Friday, January 19, 2007

Remote desktop with 0 configuration

Edit: new version has some new features (not described in this post)

This program is just great. It allows (encrypted) remote desktop connection without any configuration at all. Something like VNC or Remote Desktop, but with no need for opening ports on firewall, forwarding ports on router, configuring how to encrypt traffic etc. And it works on Win XP Home also (which lacks of Remote Desktop).

e.g.: Computer B want to control desktop on computer A:

1. Computer A starts with "Access" part of the program. Name can be anything alphanumeric, Access Code is 12 digit number (used for encoding)
(all images are from

2. Computer B starts with "Share" part, entering the same Name and Access Code:

3. Computer A allows the connection

And thats it.

Some minor considerations:
  • weak part of "0 configuration" is that the traffic (or at least some part of the traffic) must travel through some third-party system, in this case the manufacturer's servers. Although all the traffic is encrypted, you have to consider the privacy issue when using this program (on the other hand, are you afraid somebody is snooping on your gmail account?)
  • the program is actually a shell around TightVNC, what might be a problem, if you already have TightVNC running - after you close the connection, the normal TightVNC also stops.
  • it has no module to transfer files or folders between two computers (EDIT: new version has thi)
  • computer running as "HOST" must grant the connection, so you can't use this program e.g. to control your home PC from work, if nobody is at home
  • only works in windows
Licence: Freeware, no spyware, no small print in EULA/TOS.

If privacy consideration is keeping you back from usage, there is an alternative, but it needs more configuration, resources and work to be done:

Similar principle, but instead of remote desktop you get virtual private network:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to make sure that we thank you for your post on us and bringing us to your readers - it means a lot to a small team!

Also - let me address some of your good points:
1) We use our servers only to establish the connection and then the session is P2P and we get out of the way. the session is encrypted with a 128bit Blowfish technology.
In very very few cases, if the P2P session is not established, we use our servers as a back up - but again everything is encrypted.
2)Since CrossLoop uses TightVNC for its sessions, there can be cases of interference if a CrossLoop user already has TightVNC installed.

If TightVNC is already installed it is best to stop it before a CrossLoop session and restart it afterwards. CrossLoop controls TightVNC via XML files and that data gets put into the Windows registry. Because only one set of data can be in the registry at any one time (CrossLoop or stand-alone TightVNC), the conflict can not be avoided.
3) File Transfer - stay close to our blog (URL against my name) :)
4) Currently, as is, Yes - it can not be used for remote access
5) Windows only - today, yes but tomorrow we plan to have more! Our blog again will be a good source of updates!
Please feel free to contact me for questions - from you or your readers.
Have a good weekend Retsom.